Tutorials that will help you on your dev journey.
Get inspired by what others are building with Django.
Generate Django Secret
Quickest way to generate a Django Secret for your project!
Django HTML Formatter
Make your Django templates pretty in seconds.
Django Job Board
Find the Django job of your dreams!
Built with Django Podcast
Listen to the best Django devs out there.
Django Developers
Hire the best Django Developers this world has to offer.
Let the Django Community know about your project.
Here are some ways you can support Built with Django.
Learn Django, Build Anything: Tutorials for Aspiring Web Developers.
Adding Github Auth to Django
Adding our first Social Authentication (Github) via django-allauth
Setting up Environment Variables in Django
In this tutorial, we are going to add support for environment variables in our app.
Adding Stimulus.js to Django
In this tutorial we will install and use, one of the simplest JS frameworks you have ever seen.
How I Use Reusable Models in Django
Use reusable models for dry up your code.
Improve your Django Code with pre-commit
Get ready to improve your code in no time. Let the machine take care of that!
Styling django-allauth Authentication Pages
In this tutorial we will learn to overwrite the default template styling of the django-allauth authentication forms.
How to set up Webpack and TailwindCSS in a Django Project
In this guide, we will set up Webpack and will install TailwindCSS into our Django application.
User Authentication in Django
In today's post, we will take care of Authentication. We will be setting up a Custom User model with the use of django-allauth.
How to Create a Django Cookiecutter from Scratch
In this tutorial I will show you how you can create your own Django Cookiecutter, which you will be able to reuse or share with others.
How to Version Control your Django project
In this post, we will be talking about version control and the best practices when it comes to Django projects.
Setting up a basic Django project with Poetry
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of setting up the most basic Django project with Poetry. We will use that as a setup up for other posts and tutorials.
Migrating to a Custom User Model mid-project in Django
In this post will go through the process of migrating to a Custom User Model in the middle of the project.
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