Update (2024-10-16): add
to make sure that your env variables are up to date.
In the previous tutorial we have covered the installation of Stimulus.js into our application.
Today, we are going to add support for environment variables. This is necessary to protect secret information from showing up in our git history.
This is important because there are bots scanning github for secrets that people can accidentally add to the repo.
For example, if you were to use ChatGPT API in your app you will need to authenticate using a secret key. If you add directly to the code a bot will be able to get that key and use it for their own good living you with a large bill.
You can read more about this in the Config section of Twelve Factor App.
All the code in this tutorial will be in this PR.
Before committing stuff to your repo, make sure that you have a .gitignore
file in our repo. You can follow this tutorial if you don't have one yet.
In you project directory run poetry add django-environ
to install the environment dependency.
Create .env
file to the root directory of your project.
We are going to add 2 items to the environment for this exercise, debug mode and secret key.
# Generate the key here: https://djecrety.ir/
SECRET_KEY="$wuy#b00i7rj=" # This is just an example, replace with your generated key. Make sure it is in quotes, otherwise there might be parsing issues.
fileimport environ # new
import os # new
env = environ.Env(
DEBUG=(bool, False) # you can set defaults
BASE_DIR = ... # old, don't touch
environ.Env.read_env(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '.env'), overwrite=True) # new, this needs to be after the BASE_DIR variable
# Replace DEBUG and SECRET_KEY with these
DEBUG = env('DEBUG')
poetry run python manage.py runserver
. If it ran successfully then we are good.Congrats, your Django app can now be safe.
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