Advertize on Built with Django

Built with Django gets around 5k unique visitors a month, with around 10k pageviews per month. You can check out the stats here.

Here are a few options:

1. Highlighted product

Your site will be featured on the homepage and on the projects list, which combined 2k - 2.5k unique users per month (images below). Since I just started and not entirely sure what this traffic is worth, I'm offering a whole month for $50.

Highlighted product example 1 Highlighted product example 2

2. Ad on the bottom right of the screen

This is displayed on every single page for every single visit. So you will be getting all the eyes that are coming from the site ~10K page views per month. I'm selling this ad spot for $100 per month (below are images for how it looks on desktop and mobile).

Ad on desktop Ad on mobile

3. Sponsor block in the newsletter

~500 subscribers and the open rate is always >50%, but close to 65% most of the time. I send 4 newsletters a month with 50 clicks on average. This will be $50 for 4 newsletter issues.

Newsletter sponsor block example 1 Newsletter sponsor block example 2 Newsletter sponsor block example 3

4. Sponsored Job Posting

This is perfect if you are hiring for Django Engineers. Your post will be first and highlighted on the Job Board and on the newsletter. This will cost $100 for a month (4 newsletter issues).

Sponsored Job Posting example 1 Sponsored Job Posting example 2

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