Hello everyone,
I want to share with you a social network that I have developed, a customized clone of LinkedIn. I have implemented the following main features:
- CRUD for posts
- CRUD for comments
- "Like" or "Unlike" functionality for posts and comments
- Authentication (Sign-up, Sign-in, Email activation, Password reset via email)
- Authentication with Google, Github, or Facebook
- User profile and profile editing
- Friendship management (Sending invitations, Receiving invitations, Acceptance and Rejection)
- Notifications
- Infinite scroll
- Real-time chat
- Internationalization and localization with support for multiple languages (French & English)
- Responsive design
Here are the technologies I used:
- Python and Django
- PostgreSQL (Supabase)
- SASS for styling
- JavaScript
- React for the comments and likes system
- Cloudinary for handling multimedia files
- Render for deployment
You can access the social network using this link: https://mackdin.onrender.com/ (Please note that it may take a few seconds to load on the first visit due to the use of the free plan)
The source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/Macktireh/mackdin
Please note that the data was randomly generated using Faker, and the profile pictures were fetched from https://randomuser.me/.
Feel free to test it and provide your feedback!
Thank you 🙂