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#3: Taylor Dye on building a Job Board with Django


In this episode, Taylor Dye tells us about his Django learning journey. Taylor work in a finance industry and is learning Python and Django to get an upper hand. He decide to code up a Job Board that will aggregate finance jobs from multiple websites. Taylor will share the best resources he found while learning Django and some advice to people starting out there. Enjoy!

Show Notes


0:00 - Intro
2:00 - Why Django?
5:00 - Cashflow Careers
7:14 - Working with APIs
8:30 - Redis, Celery, RabbitMQ
9:30 - Hosting
10:40 - Revenue and Progress
12:56 - Books about Finance
13:30 - Other Projects
15:00 - D3.js and Javascript
18:25 - Learning Django
22:10 - Django Learning Resources
24:30 - Quantopian
25:50 - Future Plans
28:44 - Last Thoughts


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[00:00:00] Rasul: All right. Hello everyone. So my name is Russell. This is built with Django or Django makers. We'll see how it goes. Today Taylor is with me. So Taylor Dye is a strategic finance associate. He created a project called cashflow careers, which is an aggregator of an investment banking, private equity, and other finance related jobs.

[00:00:19] Hey, Taylor.

[00:00:20] Taylor: Hey Rasul. It is great to be here? Thanks for having me. I'm excited. Sure.

[00:00:25] Rasul: No worries. Yeah, I'm happy to have you, so why don't we just jump in and why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, about your project in a couple of sentences or more

[00:00:37] Taylor: so about my project. So casual career.

[00:00:39] Was born out of this idea that we need. There's a lot of finance and finance related jobs out there, but they seem to be disparate across several different resources. So LinkedIn's obviously the big one company websites and particularly what's interesting too. Is there. A lot of recruiters post the positions at their [00:01:00] staff to fill on their own websites as well.

[00:01:03] And so it was born out of the idea that, it's challenging because finances are a competitive and challenging career path. But if there's a way for folks who want to get into finance and have the skillset and the desire to, they should be able to put themselves in the best position too.

[00:01:18] Finance related careers, particularly investment banking, private equity, and growth such as those. And so this was a born out of that idea of what I experienced when I was an investment banking analyst. And I worked in private equity as well. It's just the recurrent pattern or problem of a pattern that I saw brought those three or four years.

[00:01:36] Rasul: I totally agree. When I was graduating, one of my interests was financial, going from place to place such as LinkedIn and. Specific websites, JP Morgan or whoever. Yeah. It takes some time. The process is very tiring and so it gets very tiring at some point. So why did you decide to build with Django?

[00:01:55] Because I think that your background is in finance, nothing like computer [00:02:00] science or anything like that. Did you have any previous experience with Django or what was your thought process?

[00:02:05] Taylor: So I had zero previous experience with Django, but I self-taught myself, Python after graduation. So I graduated from my university back in 2015 with a mathematics degree, pure mathematics.

[00:02:18] And as part of that curriculum, I had to take jobs. And at the time, I didn't really want to take any programming classes. I'm like, ah, what do I need? Why do I need this? Blah, blah, blah. I fell in love with it. Like I really liked Java. It was fun. The class was entertaining and I really enjoyed it. And so after I learned Java, I took two courses of Java and I couldn't take any more unfortunately.

[00:02:40] And so I. After I graduated, I'm like, this is fun. I've been hearing about Python. And so I just taught myself Python because I knew the basics of Java. And then I just built scripts and stuff over the past couple years of just, scrapers just fun little game for me to play. And then I realized, I want to take my [00:03:00] experience to the next level.

[00:03:00] And I started teaching myself Django from just based on teaching myself Python. And I've used a hundred different resources to do

[00:03:06] Rasul: that. Sure. You know what? It's interesting growth. First of all, I don't hear people have saying good things about Java very often. For sure. I personally started with Python and I really liked by phone and then I decided, okay, I want to build a website.

[00:03:19] And then I started doing some research, how to build a website. There is PHB, there are a bunch of different things. And then I, in the end I decided to Django because that's Python language at all love. And so I'm assuming that a lot of people who are getting into Python are gonna go into Django naturally because you don't have to transfer it to your knowledge, any other language?

[00:03:41] So that's that

[00:03:42] Taylor: sorry, go ahead. No. noticed too is just for me, I want to take, as you shared I want to build, I want to build something and kind of share it with you. Like on the web. And so it just the natural progression of okay, I know. And I've heard these whiteboards like flask and Django and pass on Reddit and stuff.

[00:03:59] So what [00:04:00] is this? It's piqued my interest of okay, this is what, like people in the world do to make software, right? Like on the Instagram and Pinterest and Spotify and Robin hood, they use Django or Django rest framework in the back end. So this is the real world, not just scripts that you do internally with your self. This is how you solve real-world problems and put them out there for people to get the use and provide feedback on. And for you to grow personally.

[00:04:25] Rasul: I totally agree with you. Actually the reason I decided to do built with Django was, when you type in Google, like projects built a Django or sites built with Django usually gives you a big examples of Instagram.

[00:04:38] Perhaps interest a couple others discuss, but it was too big for me. I'm like, I'm not going to build an Instagram. Is there anything more relatable that can yeah. See, and yeah, I decided to do that little thing and I'm happy that people like you share their projects. So a little bit more, let's talk about more details about your project.

[00:04:56] So how long do you tell take you to build them? [00:05:00]

[00:05:01] Taylor: Cashflow careers. So for once I understood how kind of Django works to have, it's way of doing things. It took me about a week to get like an MVP up and running. And that was more like, after work stuff and maybe spending a half hour to an hour on it.

[00:05:18] And like some troubleshooting stuff. I personally think I probably could've got it done in like a weekend because it's. It's since changed a little bit since I submitted to the site, but all I, all it is just a wispy with a bunch of posts and links and a template and a small little database that's capturing email and capturing job posts.

[00:05:39] And so it was a very basic, but it was a nice way for me to. A nice like beginner project that also solved a real problem. So it was a fun little week of going on YouTube and looking at, other websites out there that kind of work the same way as mine do. And yeah. Learning by analogy, winning from first principles.

[00:05:57] Rasul: So as you mentioned you have a list view, it's a [00:06:00] class-based view that gets, access to the database and then basically lists all the things that are in there. So how do you capture jobs? Is it a manual thing or automatic? Are you doing some sort of an API to add it to a database or

[00:06:12] Taylor: so what I've been doing, it's mostly manual now.

[00:06:15] So what I've been doing. And this is part of, my product roadmap. If you will, is I have a couple of scripts locally hosted on my PC that go out and scrape several job sites, aggregate that inform me. And then just copy and paste them over to the admin. I'm using it admin and it's super manual now, but I think it's a nice it's a nice next step for me to understand okay.

[00:06:38] How do I go out there and add into the backend of my web app to make a scraper that automatically updates and can handle all the air handling and stuff like that. I consider myself a pretty good scraper. So that's, those are like a two favorite thing. And I like scraping and doing stuff like this.

[00:06:53] So we'll see how, like how I can maybe build an API or some type of way. Backend logic. That would be [00:07:00] super helpful for me just to automatically do it. I don't think I can fully automate it, given some of the nature of the website that I'm looking at. But I think if I can automate 10 out of 30, 40 websites that I go look at every once in a while, I think that would be, it would be super.

[00:07:14] Rasul: Yeah, not only will it be much more automatic and an easier, but it's a good way to learn things. So it took me a while to understand how to interact with the API. So there are a couple of good resources of how to build one and there, with the DRF general rest framework, it's pretty easy to consume.

[00:07:30] It took me a while to understand, but

[00:07:32] Taylor: yeah, that's what I noticed too. It's it seems like there's not a lot of, there are some good Like kind of one off tutorials on how to consume an API within a Django project. So that's something I may have to lean on. You have to words some of those resources, but this is the fun part of why I want to do a project like this is that I can learn so much on my own.

[00:07:51] And through talking to folks like you. Django and Python and can figure things out.

[00:07:55] Rasul: Yeah. There was a lot of cool stuff to do. It's incredible. So I'm assuming that just a little small note, if you S you [00:08:00] said that you're going to have to do some sort of a tank jobs. So every day, Sarah, every week probably going to be using salary or something like that, you don't have any

[00:08:08] Taylor: experience with.

[00:08:10] I do not have it. So I've read about it off-hand of just like I've seen it go back and forth and like Reddit posts, but I haven't really dug into celery itself. I saw redness. Is it called Reddis? R E D I S.

[00:08:21] Rasul: Reddit is like a database. I think it can be used for two things to store cash.

[00:08:27] So if you have very heavy website that does some heavy database pool things so that it doesn't do it every single time, you can catch that. So that makes them a user tries to access the same data it's going to very quick. And the second thing that can be used for is as a message. Which I don't know details, but basically salary needs a message broker and everybody's can be done.

[00:08:51] It can be used. Okay. Let's

[00:08:52] Taylor: call it. Number one, called rabbit MQ or something like that, or basically

[00:08:56] Rasul: a readiness and rabbit and Q are similar [00:09:00] that what they do for celery, but red is also can do cash storage and it's easier to say.

[00:09:05] Taylor: Okay. Yeah.

[00:09:08] Rasul: Basic. Yeah, I've done a super basic implementation of this and I'm trying to build like an automated newsletter right now.

[00:09:15] But salary is complicated. I'm having trouble. So I've been a couple months. Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to, ask you in a couple weeks, couple months, how's it going? And if I could, if I know how to, I would love to help as well. So where do you host your work?

[00:09:29] Taylor: So right now. So right now I had chose, I chose to Roku because that was I'm not very I just picked the most easiest, straightforward way of like just getting it out there.

[00:09:40] And so I just I looked around on YouTube through a lot of self study and Reddit and stuff like that. And it seemed like there's some good tutorials out there or how to just post pushups. Hiroko so it seemed that seemed to be the easiest way for me. And I just I've been running with it that way, and how was it? It

[00:09:56] Rasul: was easy. In fact

[00:09:56] Taylor: It was pretty easy. Yeah. There's a really good tutorial out there on [00:10:00] YouTube and just some Reddit posts as well of how to go through the whole process. I believe his name is Corey. His name's Corey Schaefer or Corey. Yeah. Corey Schaefer.

[00:10:10] He's on YouTube. And he has a great tutorial on how to like push stuff to get yourself set up on her OCU and push new code.

[00:10:18] Rasul: Okay, cool. I tried Hiroko first and then I just couldn't figure out. And then in the, yeah, I don't know, editorial didn't work for me, but I just got into web development then.

[00:10:28] So all that was new and so the stars aligned and I ended up using a digital ocean droplets. So just a simple server that cause they have a couple of good guides as well. And I guess. The question I want to ask about your project specifically was if you have any revenue or you, if you plan on making it, or is it just a hobby thing that you hope that people will use?

[00:10:50] Taylor: Yeah. I look at it a couple of different stages right now. It's stage zero, if you will. There's a hobby side project that tries to add some type of incremental non-zero value [00:11:00] to people. You know what I mean? And and I think I've established that through sharing it.

[00:11:04] My peers and selectively reaching out to people on showing it on Reddit and, getting that feedback from users. And I feel like I'm getting some decent traction cause I'm getting it like, I think around 20 new users a week, people looking at it. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I'm still like learning everything with Google analytics and stuff.

[00:11:23] So I want to make sure I'm understanding the data. What they're showing me is what that means. People are looking at it every day. And so that to me keeps me motivated okay, folks do find value in this. I think for the, kind of the steps kind of one through N they're a little unknown at this exact time, but I would say step, maybe one to two.

[00:11:41] Setting up, a way for recruiters, if they want to post their own jobs or their own positions that they're. Retained to fill on the website. And so that, that involves maybe setting up with Stripe having, a kind of like a post view, stuff like that. So that's a new challenge for me to start thinking about the next steps is like, how do I, how can I monetize [00:12:00] this in a meaningful way?

[00:12:01] I also have a smaller kind of blog resource where I put all the books out there that I think were really instrumental for me to get where I am today in finance. And so I've had a little bit of an Amazon affiliate thing going on there that I'm just trying to do as well.

[00:12:14] So that's on there as well. Those are the steps one and two, if you will, from where I'm at now.

[00:12:22] Rasul: Yeah, actually I checked out your website again today and then I saw a couple additions, like the search option for different cities and then the post about the books. Actually, interestingly, I bought that book, the investment banking by Rosenbaum.

[00:12:37] I haven't read it. Couldn't get myself to read it. I moved from ever moving from a hardcore finance investment type of jobs into like more plain data analysis. So I'm not doing anything right now, but I think I will, at some point I might want to return to it. And with a more mature mind, if you will,

[00:12:54] Taylor: right on briefly on that book it's a really great book to get to teach.

[00:12:58] It's really shows you how [00:13:00] kind of the private markets work and how if you find out. The local manufacturing company down your road gets bought by private equity firm. Like it really talks to you teaches people about like how things happen outside of like the New York stock exchange stock market.

[00:13:14] You know what I mean? It's a whole different world of like how deals are getting done and companies being invested in, or being sold or merged with. For sure if you're coming from that from just like a, I'm just curious, and I don't want to know the details, but just the general patterns of how things work.

[00:13:28] It's a really good resource for people just who have any type of, financing inclination or background.

[00:13:34] Rasul: Cool. Thanks for that. Do you have any other projects, Django related projects right now, or if not, then, maybe in the past or you plan to do anything else in the future.

[00:13:44] Taylor: So right now, I didn't go really to project I'm thinking about working on, or that I've already done woke way, but I want to build it, maybe build it into a full Django project is I like to watch UFC matches UFC fights.

[00:13:59] [00:14:00] And I've created a scraper that kind of aggregates a bunch of data about the different fighters in the athletes. And I'm thinking about maybe posting. Posting it in a way that like maybe for my own personal consumption or just for select folks who want to are curious of just looking at the data in a more kind of like a KPI or dashboard format.

[00:14:19] So some of the skill sets I could use there would be obviously doing the scraping on a server that's not locally hosted. And then. Being able to show the data in a, like a a unique way. Interesting way through D three JS, like something like that. That's another thing I could learn.

[00:14:36] So I think it's there's a lot of avenues for me to expand, expand my kind of like skillset by making online scraper that runs intermittently crunching some of the data and then post it through templates and stuff distributed by wearing that. Yeah.

[00:14:51] Rasul: No,

[00:14:51] Taylor: no, go for it. I want to share it.

[00:14:53] I want to share it when, whenever I get it done.

[00:14:55] Rasul: So you mentioned T3, actually, a very interesting, I just started learning. I really wanted to [00:15:00] learn for a while. And then I just started maybe a month ago. I bought this book from. It's full stack.io. The book is called full stack three and data visualization.

[00:15:11] It's a pretty thick book. It's actually pretty costly. It was less a full price. It was like around 70 bucks with all the PDF version now due to the coronavirus day, half the price. Oh wow. And I usually don't buy books try to find them online. And then you usually succeed. Yeah.

[00:15:31] But with this one. Yeah. I just wanted to buy it. And then I went through the, a couple of chapters, did a simple bar chart. It's certainly something new. Did you have any JavaScript experience beforehand?

[00:15:43] Taylor: No, I don't have any JavaScript experience at all. And so that's a new, I think my kind of personal goal and like professional goal, if you will, would be to be able to like, have a strong understanding of both Obviously Python and Django, but also B always profession [00:16:00] and JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

[00:16:02] Cause right now I have very limited kind of knowledge of those. And I've been actually teaching myself JavaScript as of lately. So I can get the basics really down really strongly and then maybe migrate to an express JS or a react, something like that. And then possibly.

[00:16:16] Casual careers, a, into a true separated front end back end type of project where in the back end, I have the rest framework consuming data via my scrapers. And then. The react side of things, point ingesting the data, doing all the manipulation and stuff like that. So I think that's another way for me to expand my skillset, but also add value in a better user experience to casual careers.

[00:16:39] Rasul: That's actually fantastic to hear cause I personally, I don't know how about other people in the listeners, but I personally am, I can relate a lot to what you're saying right now is that I started with a backend and. Slowly trying to get traction with the JavaScript and HTML and CSS.

[00:16:55] So it's very interesting cause I know a lot of people start with the front end ad and then they have [00:17:00] hard time understanding that, you have to have a database, you have to set up a server. Yeah, I'm going through some of the things as well. On the JavaScript frameworks, I've been looking into view a lot, but To learn it a few times.

[00:17:11] He's just a very problematic, I find jealous cryptic. Very problematic.

[00:17:16] Taylor: Yeah, that's fine. There's two it's coming from, I essentially went from Java to Python and then stuck with Python for, I would consider myself like, like a junior intermediate, intermediate programmer in Python.

[00:17:29] And just because I've been working with this so much and it's, it feels very natural to me. Going back to a Java script. Inc with the curly braces and stuff like that. And some of the way they structure it, the way it's structured and how you express things. It has been caused me more time to sit and think about, do I really understand this?

[00:17:47] Okay, I need to practice this a little bit more. Like I understand the fundamentals, but how do you express that in the language it's you want to express it in has been the challenge for me is understand, okay, you need to send my call in here, but you [00:18:00] don't need it there, stuff like that.

[00:18:01] It's just different. But I know it's one of those things where if I want to grow as a programmer and engineer, I need to like JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Those are the three the big three that you need to know. And then. I feel confident on the backend side of things, but to be able to merge those together and make that connection will hopefully make me a more full stack well-rounded

[00:18:22] Rasul: person.

[00:18:23] Yeah, sure. So regarding Jengo how hard was it for you to learn it? How. What was the process? Was it easy? Was it hard?

[00:18:31] Taylor: Any roadblocks? Beginning at the beginning. When I first started, when I knew like the basics of Python and I could get around, I can pretty much solve most things and most kind of non trivial things in Python.

[00:18:43] It was tough for me to really understand how web servers work, like what does this term mean? And like, why are we doing this? Excuse me. And it was just a very weird world that I was in that I just had. No, I had no background of it because I came from university and they didn't ha [00:19:00] I didn't have any background on how this works.

[00:19:02] I got, it was very, I knew, the basics of the programming language. How, like, how does this work? Like, why are like, this seems really abstract. Like I'm just doing one thing and then it takes care of all of it. For me, this is weird. These models, URLs use templates and these double curly braces, it was just a weird experience for me, for them.

[00:19:19] Fremont. And I was on and off with it for three months when I first decided I'm going to do this. And then I then I like got distracted for a month and a half with like work in life and like just doing like regular Python in my like vs code thing and scraping and just doing whatever I felt like doing that day.

[00:19:35] And then I kinda came back to it with a fresh mind after a month after I did it. It started making more sense to me, like watching things on YouTube more and like just actually doing the work and like practicing it and like just committing myself to a project that I'm going to do and make it work no matter how ugly it is or how wonky it is, I'm just going to do it.

[00:19:53] So in a sense, looking back now, I would classify as like between easy. [00:20:00] To medium, if you will, like it like medium in terms of difficulty, because I understood the Python type things. It was just, for me, it was getting used to like some of the partial answers were related to web servers. Yeah. You know how you kind of show objects and it just, it was just a little bit of a learning curve to the the jargon, if you will.

[00:20:19] You know what I mean? So I would say for those of you out there listening, I would say if you have a basic understanding of pipe, John and you can solve most general, like entry-level problems, you should be able to pick up on Django. If you just work with it, you'll have to use more resources than just the.

[00:20:34] The Django tutorial on their documentation website kids. So it's a little bit advanced for most folks. Yeah. Personally, I could get, I personally, I got through and I understood it, but I needed some supplementary I needed some supplementary help by using like other resources on YouTube and Reddit and all over the web.

[00:20:52] So it's, you need to take a, from like a multiple angles, if you want to really. Built things with

[00:20:56] Rasul: Django. I totally agree with you. I resonated with a lot of things [00:21:00] here. First of all, Django official tutorial can be overwhelming at first. But there, fortunately there is a lot of tutorials, a lot of resources online, so that's a lot of things to use.

[00:21:13] Taylor: Yeah. And one thing that helped me too, is I conceptualized that way. It seems 80 to 95% of all like web that's out there and websites are out there or are crud or crowd apps. So to create, read, update, delete. And so if you just keep that framework in your mind as you're building things out and just this is all we're doing, and you understand the basics of a Django, like a very simple Django blog project or to do app or something like that.

[00:21:40] You can take that kind of mental model or that way of thinking. And to scale it up almost infinitely, it can be applied almost anywhere and those skill sets and those tools that you learn, and those kind of the fundamentals can be applied to any other project you want to do in the future. So that's, once I got that and I'm like, oh, okay, like it does this doesn't [00:22:00] seem as daunting or as intimidating as it did before.

[00:22:04] Rasul: Totally agree. So if you had to name one resource that he was, the helped you the most, what would you say? It is

[00:22:14] Taylor: one resource that I had to say to help maybe two. I would say.

[00:22:21] I would say that there's a guy out there named, let me look him up. His name's will Vincent.

[00:22:28] Rasul: Oh, yes. It's scent. I love his tutorials and his books. Yes.

[00:22:33] Taylor: Yeah. So I would say if I had to pick one that answer your question directly, I would say will Vincent it'd probably be the best one. I would also follow that up very closely, if not the same page.

[00:22:45] I would also use that Cory Shaffer, gentlemen.

[00:22:48] Rasul: I understand we're talking about it. He does a streams once in a while, right? Or? Yeah.

[00:22:54] Taylor: Yeah, it's cool. It's Corey Schaefer and he's on YouTube. His last name is spelled S C H a [00:23:00] F E R. First name Corey with an E and he's incredible. He's absolutely incredible.

[00:23:07] He's the one who really helped me take my project from, will really help me understand how Django works and how to build things core is just as good, but he helped me. Corey particularly helped me. Launch my project onto cashflow careers and help get it out there and walk me through some of the idiosyncrasies of how to do it.

[00:23:28] So those two have been absolutely instrumental. And then I'll ask one. I got to throw in there and that would be super helpful is his name's Harrison. He w he does Python programming.net. He's he's also called scent. Yeah. S E yes, he Dex he's on YouTube as well. And he was like, I've been watching him since probably 20, 15, 20 16 with like Python related content.

[00:23:51] And he's been incredible. And I would recommend those three to like anybody for anything. And th those three are just amazing creators builders. [00:24:00] Problem solvers. And I can't, I even bought Will's book to learn the real kind of get myself a good JQL book. And those guys have been instrumental.

[00:24:10] Rasul: Yeah. Yeah. I bought one too. And it was very useful. It was very useful. Yeah, for sure. Cool. I love how, send decks as well. I've been, I found out maybe a couple of years ago as well, and then just some of his things are very cool. I'm sure, because you are in finance. Have you ever checked out Quantopian you familiar with the platform?

[00:24:32] Taylor: Yeah, so I did definitely check out Quantopian and I really liked it. But I just kinda felt like for me, it was hard. It was hard to understand while I am in finance and I understand the general basics, some of their material when I was on, it was difficult to understand in terms of like, how do I build some.

[00:24:53] No non-correlated in the market, generates strong, alpha, and use all these predictors and stuff. It was just tough for me because I didn't [00:25:00] have a strong statistics background. In undergrad I was a pure math major and I only took one stats course, and it was very theoretical. It wasn't, to me, real data analysis that it would be very applicable to me today.

[00:25:11] So it felt like while I could have learned the statistics, as I went along it didn't feel as it didn't grab me as much as. As somebody of that stuff I've built. Like I do analyzing data. I love crunching numbers and like understanding patterns and telling the story. With the data supporting it.

[00:25:29] So it's not a data thing. It's just, it didn't really resonate with me at the time when I was going through my kind of learning cycles of stuff that I was curious about. But I would definitely recommend that the folks, if they're interested in finance and kind of finance related data is it's fun to crunch that number, that data set that they have.

[00:25:44] But yeah.

[00:25:45] Rasul: I guess last two questions and we can start slowly to wrap up. What's the next thing for you for your career? I'm assuming Django has been a hobby project for you. So I'm going to go into web development, whole change of career, but, so what interests you and then what do you want to do with

[00:25:59] Taylor: Yeah.

[00:25:59] For [00:26:00] me personally, I really want I, as I mentioned before, I really want to learn and get a good understanding of the full stack of, what development. And so I want to work, continue working through my JavaScript kind of self studying and tutorials, HTML CSS as well. Because right now, Candidly, casual careers, it's great functionality and it works, but it could definitely use definitely a make-up boost on the front end in terms of, some of the design and some of the kind of functioning, like kind of the user experience there.

[00:26:29] I know it has a lot of room for improvement. Yeah. And then also I really want to learn more. I just want to keep learning more and becoming more proficient with Django and also maybe when definitely learned Django, restful framework as well. So I can build just more pure backend things and then use that skill set and JavaScript, HTML, CSS skill set on the front end of things, and be able to kind of whip things up more quickly.

[00:26:52] I'd like this launch for me. I have a hard time, but I, I. I'd like to find more projects that I can do that could hopefully [00:27:00] have more of an immediate way of generating revenue. And so I'm always looking for new projects and new problems to solve out there. And for me, I want to be able to get this tool set that I just alluded to this mentioned a few minutes ago, a few seconds ago, and be able to know that so quickly.

[00:27:16] And so professionally that I can just prototype more problems more quickly. And see what sticks and what does it. So like I said, personally, like learning more about my existing frameworks and other frameworks, and then also solving more problems and hopefully getting some type of a strong side hustle or some type of project that maybe some days.

[00:27:35] Supplants my current income or something I can actually build a real team around, I can just consider myself relatively entrepreneurial and I love solving problems. So anything that kind of helps me get to incrementally the next level in those fields. I'm just those are my next kind of steps,

[00:27:49] Rasul: perfect. Cause for me personally, I wanted to build a website just to increase my chances of getting hired. Back when it was very hard to get hired. And then I was an internship, so that [00:28:00] went away, but I found out this about this community called indie hackers, I assume that you might know about them.

[00:28:05] And so yeah, started, being passionate about building something and just as you said a second ago, Without going straight into it. Cause there's a lot of talk of people saying, you can do no code and all that stuff. I wanted to learn how to build those things. And yeah, it's something I aspire to.

[00:28:23] I want to, learn more frameworks. You said learn more concepts of how to build things. And maybe at some point, whenever I have an idea just to put a quick. Go from there. All right. I think that's it with the time. So thank you very much. Is there anything you want to tell the listeners if they want to reach you or any last thoughts?

[00:28:43] Anything?

[00:28:44] Taylor: Yeah. So for last thoughts I know obviously if you're listening to this, you're probably already into Django and Python as it is. And if you're aware of and, or out there, just take it. Take it step by step. Try not to get overwhelmed. There's a lot of great resources out there.

[00:28:59] [00:29:00] Work all over YouTube, look at the will. Vincent we'll get Corey shapers of the world. These folks are super helpful and instrumental, and it may seem daunting at first, but it's not as complicated. Feel, or maybe in, you'll learn the details and you'll learn the back end stuff as you go along.

[00:29:15] Just keep being curious and asking why and how things work and you'll get there if you just keep working at it, that's really the key there is, to keep working at it, keep trying to build things, keep solving problems as best as you can and you'll get there. It takes a little bit of time, but.

[00:29:33] It will be worth it. Once you can kind of whip something up with very minimal referencing or looking things up, it feels really nice. And then if for those of you want to warn a little bit more about me or follow what I've, what I do, you can find me on Twitter at at it's T die.

[00:29:48] That's it? Yeah. T D Y E feel free to follow me there. I tweet about everything, anything that I'm thinking or observing the world? Not necessarily not particularly about anything in general. I work in FinTech, so I do have an affinity for [00:30:00] that. But yeah, anyone's more than welcome to reach out to me and talk to me with questions or anything.

[00:30:04] I don't claim to be an expert, but I'm learning as much as I can just like everybody. Yeah. Cool.

[00:30:09] Rasul: Thank you very much for being awesome. Thank you. Yeah, actually, you know what if it's okay with you could hypothetically, do a, another one, I don't know, maybe half a year or something.

[00:30:19] See how the progress what's going on now.

[00:30:22] Taylor: Love to yeah. Or yeah, whenever you want to. Awesome. If you want to talk in a month to three months, four or five months from now it's cool with me. I will I love collaborating with people and really learning with people who kind of learning the same thing.

[00:30:36] I am. It's it's if you can get wanting some talking or just working by yourself on things or not being able to ask another human a question. Immediately like that, so yeah.

[00:30:45] Rasul: Especially like times like this,

[00:30:47] Taylor: Exactly. Yeah. It's times like these that you need to reach out and lean on folks.

[00:30:51] Rasul: Yeah. Again, thank you very much for coming.

[00:30:52] Taylor: Thank you so much. Yep. Talk to you soon. Thank you. Have a good day.

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